STEP 1: Log into WATSS
On the top row, second from right, hit the equipment button.
STEP 2: Locate the track you are needing to re-sequence. You can either scroll down to the track or use the drop downs provided.

STEP 3: Highlight the car(s) that is needing re-sequenced by highlighting the car.
STEP 4: highlight the car that will be BEHIND the car you are resequencing. In this case, you want LBR 551979 in front of GPLX 1345.
STEP 5: Go to the bottom row of buttons, third from the right and hit the Reseq button.
Your car will move on top of the car that you re-sequenced to.
If you have more than one car, hold down your control key on and click the cars in the order that the final sequence will be.
STEP 1: Still holding down your control key, highlight the position that you need the cars to move to.
STEP 2: On the bottom row, third from the right, hit the Reseq button.
This will move the cars that you have selected, in the order that you selected, to above the car that you needed to them to re-sequence in front of.