Class 1's = Bigger railroads that span across the continent. (UP, BNSF, CPKC, NS, CPRS, CN & CSXT) 

ICR = Inbound cars from the Class 1 tracks to our tracks. Other: Receive, bring online 

ICH = Deliver cars from our tracks to the Class 1 tracks. Other: hand off, outbound  

Most generally cars are received and delivered to the Class 1; however, we do interchange railcars between the SKOL, SLWC and KO as well.  

RWC = Repetitive Waybill Code. RWC are used for inbounds, outbounds, haulage and online locals.

Example: This code is shorthand for what customer will be receiving the car and in what status. (L/E) 

Example: G2O TECHNOLOGIES LLC - LOADED - coming from the BNSF to the TIBR = GEOCHE0011 


BLOCKING = Address to where the car is going. This is an inbound car going to the customer G20 TECHNOLOGIES, so it is shorthand blocked to GEOCHE BOI. The blocking hits when the RWC is partial seed and saved to the waybill. If this was an outbound bill, it would show WATSS FROM ROAD: TIBR and WATSS TO ROAD: Class 1.  

This is what the Crews see on their screens. 

This is what we see in the billing. Crews do not see this or have access to the Waybill. 


Outbound empty cars do not require an RWC so most times we block the car to go to the Class 1. 



PAC = Placed at Customer. The clock ($$) stops, and new charges begin. This car is SPOTTED or PLACED at the customer track. They now have possession and can keep this car for as long as they need to get it loaded or emptied.

PCO = Constructive Placement. The clock ($$) starts for the customer. These cars have not been spotted or PAC yet. This happens a lot when the customer DOES need the car but doesn't have room or storage space for it.  

RCP = Remove from Constructive Placement (PCO). This stops the clock ($$), so the customer doesn't get charged any longer. 

RMT = Released Empty. Customer has unloaded this car and applied reverse route billing/outbound billing. Cars should block up to the Class 1.  

RLO = Released Loaded. Customer has loaded this car and applied reverse route billing/ outbound billing. Cars should block up to the Class 1. 

STA = Storage. Customer has a storage agreement in place with the TIBR, so we store cars for them. $$$ 

Storage moves only allowed on TIBR per storage agreements. 

HRE = Release from storage. Customer is ready for this car. 

Besides the TIBR, all storage moves have to be cleared with storage. WE DO NOT PLACE OR REMOVE CARS FROM STORAGE.

RYD = Wheel move within the same station different track.

ARI = Wheel move from different station and different track. 


BLG = Bad order move. Car needs to be repaired. (Example: Hole in the floor of a car, please bad order) This move will be different than the rest. Refer to:


BFR = Release from bad order. You will do a BFR move and then either partial seed and save the RWC or update blocking.

ITS = Interplant switch. Crews have to move railcar/s from one station to station. This will charge the customer. 

IPS = Intra plant switch. Crews have had to move railcar/s within one station from one track to another. This will charge the customer. 

ZIH/ZIR = Crews on the SAC will soft interchange Deliver (ZIH) certain railcars on their lines to the SHOP for repairs. When Greenbrier releases these cars, they will need to be Soft Interchange Receive (ZIR) from the SHOP so we can deliver them off to the UP. 


When this image pops up you will need to screen shot it, back out of your interchange, apply the ZIR movement to the specified cars in the pop up and then return to delivering off your cars.  


Types of Billing 

417 = Good inbound billing. Full waybill. Shows green in the system. 

418 = Not so great inbound billing but will be fine if you can distinguish who the car is for. Empty 418 okay, loaded 418 NOT OKAY for our ISS roads. You will need to call the Class 1 and ask for a 417.   

ISS ROADS: The Interline Settlement System® (ISS) is the only centralized process to negotiate and agree upon the sharing of revenue generated for a movement when two or more railroads are involved in a shipment’s route. Everyone gets paid, so receiving and sending EDI's and having good 417 billing is EXTREMELY important.   











419 = Used on Outbound billing - sends the Class 1 blocking instructions based on the bill that is applied. Some railroads (EIRR & FOXY) require we send the 419 EDI to the UP and CN so the interchange junction can be updated. This will update your blocking on your waybill.  

420 = This is what is received back after triggering a 419 to the Class 1. This will only apply to outbound cars. The 419 sent about updated the blocking to CNKIRK which is a specific junction. This allows our crews to cut cars out and pair them with similar cars as they build their outbound trains. 


404 = Good outbound billing. 

Consist/Advance = Consist is a list of cars, Advance is the "electronic" billing version of this list. When you call/email a Class 1 you will request an Advance for the cars needed, this will trigger a consist to hit our system as an inbound consist/list. OFFLINE.

Consist/Switch List = You can build a switch list with cars that are ONLINE, then you can email the crews that list of cars. It contains all the hazmat information and weight information. A list of outbound cars can also be called a consist. 


Types of Cars 

Fleet = WATCO owned cars. Not all cars we handle we own. The Fleet team will submit ZOR moves on cars which is a Car Order. This team includes Joely Gath, Drew Martin, Johnnie Brown & Matt Troth. 

Manifest = Inbound/Outbound Train with multiple cars that include multiple customers. 

Unit Train = Inbound/Outbound Train and all cars are going to the exact same place. (Grain, Coal, Etc.)  

Storage Battery Cars = Seasonal Storage (Class 1 has us store cars with Batteries in it until they need it)



Sending an EDI = Electronic billing that we can send to the Class 1. Instead of delivering the car offline, you can just transmit billing, so they have it before they arrive for interchange. This is call called sending a 418. Click Consist to find this page. 

Sending an Offer (OFR) = This is asking the Class 1 if they can take cars from us. This is also called a Rule 15.


Car status' in the Waybill

SB = Setback (Car was received in error, did not make its destination, etc.)

CM = Company Material (Car is transporting materials that will be used on that specific railroad, not for our customers.

SC = Scrap (Car is transporting scrap material, sometimes company scrap material)

RJ = Reject (Car was received damaged or the wrong type of car)

NU = Order Not Used (customer ordered the car but didn't have space for it or decided not to use it, wrong cut, etc.) This is applied when rejected by the customer.

RWC Types

RWC Status = You can select a specific RWC to update the status on a car. When you select an RWC this way, it will update the blocking status above. 

(Example = Setback Empty car from the Foxy Railroad to the CN Railroad) We are giving this car back to the CN.


You do not have to apply an RWC to update the Waybill Status indicator. These are two separate entities that work hand in hand but do not have to always be applied together. It's how our billing indicates the purpose of each car. 

Haulage Car = Also known as Bridge Move. RWC Type that indicates that we are a handling carrier from one Class 1 to another. Not all of our Railroads offer Haulage routes. 

RWC Type:

1 = Inbound (From Class 1 to WATCO)

2 = Outbound (From WATCO to Class 1)

3 = Online/Local (From WATCO to WATCO) Example: SLWC to SKOL

4 = Bridge/Haulage (From Class 1 to WATCO to Class 1)

L/E = Load or Empty 

From Road = Inbound/Class 1 or Outbound/WATCO RR

To Road = Inbound/Watco RR or Outbound/Class 1 

Destination can be found on the Front of the Waybill.

Origin can be found on the Front of the Waybill.



PAC Back = There is a process for this. This is when the crews cannot pull cars from the customer, so we delete the released move and place this car back on the customer's original clock. 

Blue Flags = Are literal BLUE FLAGS out on tracks when cars are in the customers possession when men or equipment are working in or around the cars in the track. If these flags do not get removed, crew members CANNOT pull these cars even if they are released and ready to go. Customer MUST pull these flags before crews will pull. This will result in a PAC Back or Charges to the customer.