Type all of your old cars into a switch list and make a note of the sequence the car is in on the track. Once you finish the re-stencil, you will need to put the new car ID's back in the original sequence in the correct track.

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Now you will want to go into the white waybill queue, type your car number, select your active waybill. 

(make sure the car is not a multi car waybill (Z/U):

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In this instance it is, you will need to remove this car from the multi before moving on in this process.

  • Go into the waybill, secondary, and del equip:

A screenshot of a computer

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Make sure your car is not the U (head car) if so, you will need to change another car and make it the lead.


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Now that the car is removed you can move on. Now you will click your ACT (active) waybill and hit Copy/Add:

A screenshot of a computer

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Enter in the new equipment number and hit OK:

A screenshot of a computer

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STEP 4: 

Now that your new car ID is tied to your old car ID, you will need to go into the waybill of the old car ID and add notes. 


Next you will need to deliver off the old equipment to the shop where it currently sits. 

(If it's in PAC/PCO, we will need to do a release move on them to ICH.)

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Once delivered off, you will create a manual inbound and bring the new car ID's online from the SHOP from where you delivered it off.


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STEP 7: 

Once online, you will re-sequence the track. Once all cars are where they should be, go into the MISC tab and add notes as shown below. 

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Now you will need to send billing / Maurice / Fleet an

 email and let them

 know car HPJX 30010 has been re-stenciled to SRIX 


(or whatever railroad you're working with)