Go to inbound and look for car… if there is nothing, you will do a manual inbound:
Hit the manual inbound button:
Enter your station (Interchange point), location (Track), road (Class 1) and the date/time.
The first box will populate, and you can enter your car ID there. Sometimes you need to use the drop-down arrow under Eqmt Status to select the L/E status. If billing doesn't populate, you will need to contact the Class 1.
This is an example of what it looks like when billing isn't triggering:
Once you fill in your car ID and the billing hits you should be able to hit the ENTER tab on your keyboard and another line will populate for you to continue with your list. If a new line does not populate you can select Add(INS) button.
This will enter a line every time you select it. I suggest you go one line at a time.
Go ahead and fix the RWC needed car and bring this online as normal: