ICHD in WATTS when a switch list is provided.
Example ticket:
STEP 1: Look up the switch list number in WATSS.
Make sure the total number of cars match and then double click the switch list.
STEP 2: Confirm that all cars have a valid block to and then highlight all cars and hit consist at the top.
STEP 3: Pick your “to station, to road, and update the date and time to current”. Be mindful of the continental time zones. This information should come from your switch list/block to info.
(Please check interchange guide to confirm “block to address” is an interchange location.)
Make sure to select outbound immediately and then click “Ok”
STEP 4: After clicking Ok, you should be taken to the list where you select the correct Location/track number.
(This switch list has the OB going to track 417)
Class 1 outbound tracks or the mainline track should be your default track.
Once cars are delivered offline, WATSS will take you back to your switch screen.
Hit “F5” to refresh. All cars should be gone.
Once you have completed this, send an email to the person who has requested the OB and tell them that it is complete. (If it was your team just leave a NOTE stating that this is complete.)
ICHD in WATTS when a switch list is NOT provided.
Creating Outbound Consist of Online Equipment. AKA create a switch list.
STEP 1: Search the Trace Car ID by selecting Equipment and then locate.
STEP 2: Hit OK, and the screen will take you to the car showing in their current Station and Location.
Your selected railcar is blue, and the other 3 empty released railcars will show below it. This will make for 4.
STEP 3: Highlight the requested cars and put them in a switch list.
STEP 4: Follow the outbound process to deliver the cars offline.
Make sure to leave a note that this is complete or email to crews and let them know it's complete.
Sometimes crews will only need a few select cars to be delivered offline to the Class 1.
Just follow the same steps above by locating all railcars in question and create a switch list and then deliver them offline.