Select your car and then click the MOVE button.
The drop down will allow you to select what move you would like to make.

Make sure when applying your moves you are selecting the correct location. Either where the railcar is currently sitting or where it needs moved to.
FYI- the system will tell you which ones you’ve completed.
PAC = Placed at Customer. The clock ($$) stops, and new charges begin. This car is SPOTTED or PLACED at the customer track. They now have possession and can keep this car for as long as they need to get it loaded or emptied.
PCO = Constructive Placement. The clock ($$) starts for the customer. These cars have not been spotted or PAC yet. This happens a lot when the customer DOES need the car but doesn't have room or storage space for it.
RCP = Remove from Constructive Placement (PCO). This stops the clock ($$), so the customer doesn't get charged any longer.
RMT = Released Empty. Customer has unloaded this car and applied reverse route billing/outbound billing. Cars should block up to the Class 1.
RLO = Released Loaded. Customer has loaded this car and applied reverse route billing/ outbound billing. Cars should block up to the Class 1.
STA = Storage. Customer has a storage agreement in place with the TIBR, so we store cars for them. $$$
Storage moves only allowed on TIBR per storage agreements.
HRE = Release from storage. Customer is ready for this car.
Besides the TIBR, all storage moves have to be cleared with storage. WE DO NOT PLACE OR REMOVE CARS FROM STORAGE.
RYD = Wheel move within the same station different track.
ARI = Wheel move from different station and different track.
BLG = Bad order move. Car needs to be repaired. (Example: Hole in the floor of a car, please bad order) This move will be different than the rest. Refer to:
BFR = Release from bad order. You will do a BFR move and then either partial seed and save the RWC or update blocking.
ITS = Interplant switch. Crews have to move railcar/s from one station to station. This will charge the customer.
IPS = Intra plant switch. Crews have had to move railcar/s within one station from one track to another. This will charge the customer.