The PCC Grain Cars are usually moved as local moves.  We have numerous Stations on the PCC that have smaller grain elevators that empty cars are spotted for Northwest Grain.  Once they are loaded, they will then move to Endicott, trk 760 to be unloaded.   After they are unloaded, they will return, as empties, to the smaller grain elevators to be reloaded.  The process will start over again.  It is important that we make sure that the load/empty status is correct on the cars, as they move. I have provided a flow chart at then end of this process.

The internet access for the PCC is spotty, at best.  They are not using ROAM at this time.


When we receive crew paperwork, please note the following:

Under Car Information, next to the car, crews will note if the car is loaded or empty.  

Under Pick Up information, crews will report where they picked up the car.

Under Setout Information, it will be reported where they pact or moved the cars.  

It is important to use the date and time provided by crews on the paperwork.


To complete the crew paperwork:

  1. Create a switchlist of the cars.
  2. Confirm all cars are showing in the track and station that is reflected in the Pick Up Information.  If they are not, you will need to stop and research the car(s).  More than likely, the cars are not showing the correct l/e status and you will need to contact the customer to get this corrected.  

      Northwest Grain:

                      Rose Perry

                      Darrell Booth

                      Hanson Brudevold

  1. After Pick Up Information and l/e status has been confirmed, you may then proceed to move the cars according to the Setout Information.  Please note that the arrows simply mean that they same Setout Information is used for those cars.  Ops with give you more information in the Setout Information if it changes.  See below.

A screenshot of a document

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A diagram of a car

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