STEP 1: Type all cars into a switch list.
STEP 2: Highlight all railcars and select the MOVE icon. We will need to BFR these cars.
Select BFR on the drop down - date - time and put RELEASED in the Comment Box.
Select OK.
STEP 3: All cars are now removed from bad order. Select a car and go into its waybill and check mark the 419 box. This will resend the billing to the Class 1.
The Example above is a car that has an outbound bill applied to it with no RWC code since it is Empty.
We will now update the blocking in step 3.
We used to block these cars up depending on the destination; however, Aaron has instructed us not to do this anymore. Once the 419 has been transmitted, it is the UP responsibility to send the 420, which will update the blocking on the cars either NPLT or POCA.
Here is the old map that explains the cut off. If the crews call because the cars didn't block up, let them know that you will retransmit the 419.
States on the left side of the line and up to Cananda will be marked up UPPOCA MIN and states on the right-hand side of the line will be marked up UPNPLT MIN.
Sometimes cars come onto the EIRR tracks and have to be bad ordered before the car makes it to the customer.
Once released after repairs, you will simply PARTIAL SEED and SAVE the RWC. This will block the car to the customer.
Car/s are now released from BAD ORDER. Reply back to the ticket and let them know this is complete.