Step 1: Open attachment, enable editing and start copying cars into a new excel sheet. 

Ctrl & C will copy cars, Ctrl & V will paste cars.


Step 2: Once all cars have been copied into a separate Excel Sheet, control C all cars and paste in the EIRR WATSS bulk sheet locate.



Step 3: Once added to Selected Equipment box, build a Switch.  

Step 4: Make sure the Last Status Move is red and RIPTRK UNK in the Block To/Addr.

If there are cars not showing red, search that car in Freshdesk and find the request to place it in bad order. 

Step 5: Make sure to place any cars that are not in bad order into bad order. Search car in Freshdesk. 

Even though it says, "bad order after released" you will just place this car into bad order. At this point this car has already been released and it's blocking up to the RIPTRK incorrectly, which is why we do this report.  

Step 6: Select car, click move, Move Type will be BLG, and you will enter your current date and time. If you can find the correct Bad Order Reason, select it but if you can't, just select Other. Type BADO - "the reason" in the Reason Eqmt Comments. 


Once you have this entered, you will want to move on through the list.  

Once all cars have been checked, you can scroll to the bottom of your switch list, it will show you all of the cars that you have completed.


Step 7: To finish this report out, you will need to type your cars in an email and reply back to Ken to let him know the BLG moves have been entered.  

Example below: 


The below cars now have a BLG move entered: 

TBOX 1234