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Make a switch list and if cars are not in PCO status, please PCO all cars per the paperwork.

*This is an example of the cars already being PAC’d by the crew before they got the cleaning report in* 

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Since there is a reject on the paperwork (Line 7), you will need to rebill as a reject: ONLY IF THE CAR IS EMPTY

If the car is being rejected due to being loaded, you will have to get the L/E status changed by CSR and mark the car as a setback in the system. 

***send reject form to KCS***

*Highlight car and hit L/E at the top 

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Right click in the RWC field: 

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Enter in the info that you have for the car (Reject reason, L/E status, who the class 1 is that will be receiving the car, and the Online patron) and then hit select.  

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After hitting select, it will take you back to the previous screen and will include the RWC code that you just picked. After this, you will hit Bill Choice: 

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You will select “rebill w/ new bill and Release and then hit “OK”  

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After hitting ok, it should take you back to your switch list, this will show the updated blocking (See picture below) 

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You will need to go into Waybill, secondary, and misc, and enter the reject reason for the KCS: 

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Once this is complete, you will send a Reject form to the class one and include (CS2, CSreq, and VSOR Billing)  

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