We will receive emails from ADM like the below asking us to send EDI to BNSF


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BNSF does not receive the billing that we show pending in our system because of the system ADM is using to bill the cars. However, cars will need to move on BNSF lines to make it to KO. In order to ensure BNSF has billing to move the cars to our line, we will follow the below process.


Open up the billing provided and look up one of the car numbers in the white waybill queue:


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Open the waybill and check that there is a Waybill Num / Date showing. If there’s not, you can edit the waybill and manually enter ‘999999’ for the Waybill Number and put current date like I had to do with this one.

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The waybill must have Waybill Num / Date information listed for EDI to send, otherwise it will give you an error. Once this has been entered, right click into the Edi To Road box and put ‘BNSF’


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Now, check the 417 box and select Resend EDI


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This should allow the pending billing to process to the BNSF’s system. ADM will normally respond that BNSF is showing billing, but if we do not see a response after 10 minutes then you can call BNSF to confirm they’ve received the EDI we sent.


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