The KO serves several grain customers that run unit train traffic. There is a sizeable monetary incentive for the KO to get the train online, placed, loaded and delivered off in a certain amount of time.  

When crews call to ICR a grain train, they may say to bring it on and place it for certain times. If they do, it is very important that times in Watts match what the crews have reported. If the crews do not offer a time, we need to ask what time to ICR/ PAC the train for.  


Once the customer is close to having the train ready to pull, they will send in a notice.  

If any cars are notated as “bad orders” or “setbacks” on their email, those cars need to be rejected back to the Class One for the reasons listed.  

Once the unit train has been loaded and billed, the below will be sent it. Johnnie Brown will contact us if there are any issues with the billing for the train.  




If the train is ready to be delivered, but the Class One is not ready or able to accept if yet, Operations will ask us to Offer the train. Use the contact they provide or consult the KO Offer Contacts process if contact information was not provided by Operations.  

*Offers cannot be backdated* Watts will show the OFR in the car’s history for the backdated time. But the Class One will receive it for current/date time. The time the Class One has is the one used for the incentive, so it is very important that an offer be entered asap once we have been notified.