Jacksonville Port Terminal

JXPT BWC/Contanda to Storage Cars
Peggy will be your main contact for all BWC/ Contanda cars. From time to time, a car will come in empty, and be loaded at their facility to go into storage...
Tue, 28 Feb, 2023 at 2:35 PM
JXPT Seaonus Switches
Lynne and Heather will be your main contacts for these. There will always be the first section of cars on the switch list. The second set will not always b...
Mon, 21 Nov, 2022 at 6:11 PM
JXPT Westway Feed Switches
Natasha will be your main contact for Westway. When these switches come in, all releases and billing need to be checked and verified. Once verified, send a...
Mon, 21 Nov, 2022 at 6:13 PM
JXPT Track Capacity Map
Wed, 23 Nov, 2022 at 3:12 PM