How to Locate RWCs for WDR1

There are many different locations that you can look for an RWC NEEDED car. I will usually look in the following places before reaching out to, the PTRA or customer. You can find information from the AEI report, Traffic report, Incoming Cars spreadsheet in Teams, ARMs (either the waybill or car orders), a car’s history, customer emails and if you can’t find it on any of those, then you will have to resort to reaching out to the Traffic Report email, the PTRA or trying to figure it out by emailing the customers.  I’ve also added at the bottom of this process any random notes I have about RWCs.

  1. AEI report sent over from the PTRA:

You will receive an email that has an excel spreadsheet attached that shows what cars has passed the AEI reader.  

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Open the spreadsheet. There is a Block, Shipper and Consignee column.  Any of these can help you with your RWCs.

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  1. Car Orders in ARMS:

There is a process in Freshdesk on locating cars on car orders.  Please refer to it.  It is in the CS4 folder under Cedar AI/ARMS.

  1. ARMS:

Locate your car in ARMS.   Once you have it pulled up, look under the Block section.  This may show you who the car is for:

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If you can’t figure it out from there, you can open the waybill and it may give you a hint.  To do this, click on the car under the Car number section:

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This will take you to a quick snapshot of the waybill that shows the Shipper and Consignee:

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If you want to look at the complete waybill, on the top of this page, hit the waybill under the Associated Waybill section:

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  1. Incoming Cars Spreadsheet in Teams:

Sometimes customers will send in a list of cars that they are sending to us.  We also get notifications if Houston Materials or Rail Logistics orders cars for a customer.  These cars will be added to the Incoming Cars Spreadsheet found in Teams.   

Go to Teams on the upper left hand corner of your chat:

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Go to General under CS4 tab and hit the Files at the top of the page:

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Find and open your Incoming cars spreadsheet:

Hit Control F to open Find and Replace.  Add your car number to the Find search bar and click Search Options and from the drop down under Within, make sure you have Workbook selected. Hit the Find next button on the button:

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If the car is in the workbook, it will take you to the tab it is on. If it is on the spreadsheet, you should be able to get your RWC, if provided, and copy/paste into your waybill:

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  1. Traffic Report:

We receive Monday-Friday a Traffic spreadsheet from Houston Materials.  It is usually sent by Jisela Perez Castaneda.  You can search for it in your emails or in Freshdesk. Search and find your most current Traffic Report and open it.  This report can also be searched by car number.  Hit Control F and type in your car number.  Hit Find next.  If the car is on the report, it will take you to the car.  Next to it will be the customer.  

PLEASE NOTE: Houston Material cars will always have a Block To of HOUMAT but the RWC can be found by the customer name. Once the RWC is applied, the customer should show in the Switch Instructions.

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If you can’t find the RWC using these methods, you will need to send to Traffic Report and the PTRA to see if they have any information.


You can also search the history to see who the car was there for before or search the commodity.

Special Notes:


Anything with “Bayou” in the waybill is a Greens Bayou car.  If in doubt, find Robert Williams email in Freshdesk.  His released cars will be at the top.  Under the incoming cars section, if they are expecting the cars, it should be on the email.

Rules can’t be made for the following customers:

SunFood-Beneficial owner on the waybill.  You will have to manually apply the RWC to the waybill.

Methanex-Account of origin.   You will have to manually apply the RWC to the waybill.  The synonym may be for Murex, but they are a Methanex car.  We no longer have a contract with Murex.  It should say Methanex on the Account of Origin and they almost always get the commodity of Methanol.