Processes you will need:
Important: Terminals are NOT like a Railroad when it comes to billing. You do not need to see billing in Watss unless otherwise stated. Due to the commodities we handle at Refugio, it is imperative that you use the correct times and dates that are on given on the email.
Refugio Customer Service will send in an email stating that they have received cars from a Class 1, the time and date, and which customer the cars have arrived. PLEASE read the email carefully.
- Create a manual inbound, using the time and date provided. You will need to make note if the cars came in during the morning (am) or evening (pm). Cars will need to be brought online for the correct time.
Refugio CS will also provide the following information:
If the car is in BOLD type, it is a load.
If it is not in bold type, it is an empty.
Any cars that are NOT FOR OLIN, they will let you know for whom the car has arrived.
For some of the cars, you will need to create a waybill:
Olin Cars:
Some of the cars will have billing that has already been created, using the “Daily Refugio Inbound Report for Olin”. If the car does not have billing in the system and it is being reported as Oline, it will need to be researched by going to the Class 1 website, searching FreshDesk to see if it was missed on the report or you can contact Using the STCC provided by one of these resources, you can create a waybill, referring to the chart in the Daily Refugio Inbound Report for Olin.
All others:
We only create pending billing for Olin cars off of their report. All other cars that are not for Olin will need a manual waybill created, using your process provided. Please Note: Cape and Sons are now Pyco. Please use one of the following RWCs to create your waybill, depending on which Class 1 we have received the cars from:
2. Once you have created your inbound consist, using the process provided, bring the cars online to 1IB trk. and reply to the email sent in that the cars are online.