Processes you will need:

A screenshot of a computer

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A close up of a text

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Important:   Terminals are NOT like a Railroad when it comes to billing.  You do not need to see billing in Watss unless otherwise stated. Due to the commodities we handle at Refugio, it is imperative that you use the correct times and dates that are on given on the email.

Refugio Customer Service (usually Hilda Morin or Jessica Mitchell) will send in an email stating that cars have been interchanged, which Class 1 cars were delivered to and the date and time.

  1. Create a switchlist of the cars.  All cars should show to be in STA status. A group of black text

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  1. Using your email that you received from Refugio Customer Service, you will need to move the cars to 702 trk, if not already there, for 30 minutes before the outbound date and time. In this case, 06/21/24 @1630.


  1. Again, using your email, you will do a HRE move on the cars, to get them out of storage for 15 minutes before the interchange time.  In this case, 06/21/24 at 1645.


  1. Once the cars are in the track and out of storage, perform a outbound interchange for the time and date given to the correct Class 1.  In this case, 06/21/24@ 1700 to the UP.