Switchlist Functions:

Processes  you will need:

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  1. Log in and create a switchlist.


To name a Switchlist for future reference:

  1. Under Switch Name in the top left corner, type the name of your switch list and hit Save on the bottom row, second button: A screenshot of a computer

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To Search a Switchlist:

  1. Under the Switchlist header, there are a few fields you can search and they will filter the switchlist for you.  These are free form fields.

Equip Init: Type the car mark into this field and hit enter. All cars on the Switchlist with the car mark will pull up: A screenshot of a computer

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Equip Num:  Type the car number into this field and hit enter.  It will find any cars with that number:

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Station: Type in the station into this field and hit enter. It will find any cars in that station: A screenshot of a computer

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Location: Type in the track into this field and hit enter. This will find any cars in that track: A screenshot of a computer

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You can use these finds by themselves or you can use multiple fields, hitting enter and it will filter the cars.

To Email or Fax a switchlist:

Sometimes you will need to email/fax crews a switchlist.   On the lower row of buttons on the top, hit the Mail It button: A screenshot of a computer

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A pop up will open asking you which type of Switch List Report to email.  Most crews are needing OPO01003.  They will specify if they want a different one.  Hit Email on the bottom of the pop up. 

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Another pop up will open.  If the crews have the email address/fax number they needed, they will specify.  

To email/fax to an email/fax that is already entered into Watss/CCM, hit the To… button:

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When the next pop up opens, highlight the email address/fax you are wanting to send the email to on the left and move it to the right by hitting the top button to move the email address to the right hand side of the pop up. You can move more than one email address/fax, if needed, by holding down your control key on your keyboard to highlight the email addresses/faxes you are wanting to send your Switch List.

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If you have added an email address/fax number to the the right hand side of the pop up, you can remove it by reversing the process, using the bottom button to move your highlighted email back over to the left.  Once you have the emails/faxes you are wanting on the right hand side of the pop up, hit the close button on the button.  This will autopopulate your E-mail Report pop up.  Hit the send button under the To… button and the Switchlist will be mailed.

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If you are not seeing the email address/fax your are needing in the pop up, you can free hand the email address/fax in the To: section of E-mail Report:

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To remove hazmat information from the switch report: before you start to email, check the Exclude Hazmat in the middle of the Switch List:A screenshot of a computer

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To email a waybill: you will follow the same process with the exception that you will use the Email WB button, on the bottom row, second from the left: A screenshot of a computer

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To add cars to a switchlist: while in your switchlist, hit the Add/Remove button on the bottom row, third from the left: A screenshot of a computer

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Hit the Locate button in the middle of the second row of buttons: A screenshot of a computer

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This will take you to the locate screen to find your cars. Locate your cars and hit the OK button on the bottom row, second from the right once you are done: A screenshot of a computer

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This will return you to your Add/Remove screen.   Once there, ignore what you are seeing in your Online Equipment List and hit the Add Eqmt button, bottom row on the left:

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Hit the Close button on the bottom row on the right and this will take you back to the Switch List and the cars have been added:

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To remove cars from a switchlist: hit the Add/Remove button on the bottom row of buttons.  Once you are in the Add/Remove screen, highlight the the car(s) that you would like to remove and hit the Remv Eqmt button, bottom row second from the left:

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This will remove the cars off of the switchlist.   Hit close, bottom row on the right and it will take you back to your switchlist:

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To Add/Delete Switch Instructions: Please note that if choosing more than one car, the same switch instructions will be added.  If cars have different switch instructions, they will need to be added individually.   Also note that unless you remove the current switch instructions showing in the switchlist, your new switch instructions will be added to the current unless you remove the current switch instructions.

To add Switch Instructions: Highlight the cars that you are wanting to add switch instructions to and hit the comments button on the bottom row in the middle: A screenshot of a computer

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Free form in the Destination Comments/Switch Instructions what you are needing to add to the switch instructions and hit OK:

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Switch instructions will now appear in your switchlist: A screenshot of a computer

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To Remove Switch instructions: Highlight the car(s) you are wanting to remove Switch Instructions and hit the comments button. In your Destination Comments/Switch Instructions, type an asterisk (*) and hit the OK button: A screenshot of a computer

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Your Switch Instructions are removed.  Please note that this will remove ALL the Switch Instructions for the car: A screenshot of a computer

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To check a history on a car: highlight the car and hit the History button on the bottom row. This will open the history that we have for the car: A screenshot of a computer

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To open a waybill on a car: highlight the car and hit the Waybill button on the bottom row.  This will open the current waybill for the car:

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To locate an existing switchlist: In Watss, on the top row of your buttons, hit your Switch button, third from the left:

This will open your Current Switch Lists screen.  Please note: If cars are not in the system, they will not so on your switchlists. In this screen, you can search by Switch ID:, Switch Name:, Creation Date (through the drop down) or Equipment:. or a combination of any of the fields.

Switch ID:-If you know your switch number, you can freeform in this field. You can locate your switch ID if someone sends you a switch list by opening the switch list and locating it in the upper left corner. This is your switchlist ID:

In Watss, type your switchlist number into the Switch ID field and hit enter.  This will bring up the switchlist.  Double click the switchlist and your the switchlist will open:

Switch Name:-If the switch has a named that has been saved in the Switch Name Field (see above), you can also search this way.  You do not need to know the exact name of the switch.  Watss will filter for you.  In the example, I have used "VM".  Type in what you are looking for and hit enter.  This will bring up all switches that have VM in the switch name.  

You can also search by anything that might be in the switch name.  In the example, I have used "06/":

Creation date:-Creation date is just that.  Using the drop down, pick the creation date you are looking for and hit enter. Watss will filter your switchlists for that date:

Equipment: You can either use the car mark or car number or a combination of both.  You also do not need to have the complete car number, Watss will filter for you:


To Resesquence a switchlist: While in your switchlist, hit the Add/Remov....button (see above). Once the add/remove screen is open, hit the Reseq button on the bottom row, third from the right:

In your Switch Equipment List, highlight the car you are wanting to resquence and hold down your right mouse button (a hand will appear):

Drag the car to the position where you want the car and release.  In this case, the car has moved to position two in your switchlist: