These tickets will be moved over to the CS1 bucket by CS Request. When they come in you will have to key a list of all the cars. If the cars are online to make sure they are blocked UP GRA and put that in the notes on the ticket. If they are showing offline you will need to look at the history of each car and see if it was delivered off within the last few days. If not then go check for the car in the white waybill queue.
If there is a loaded pending waybill go into the details.
Then go to secondary
Add the net weight and tare weight to get the gross weight.
Email the approriate customer stating the car is overweight for their location or it is overweight to come into Chicago. This particular customer is in Reedsburg and that sub is limited to 268.
Here is the email that was sent for example.
Here is an example email for a car that would need to be re-routed. ( I had to use a RMI screenshot until we have an example in WATSS )
Sometimes if the car is only around a 1000lbs over we can email the UP Clearance team to see if we can have approval to move the car over the bridge. If they come back and say yes then we would add special instructions to the pending waybill stating we approval from the UP to move it. Below is an example.
( I had to use a RMI screenshot unti we have an example in WATSS)
The subs in blue are the areas limited to 268.
Be sure and add a note to the ticket stating either online cars or the date they delivered off.
If you have to reach out to a customer for an inbound customer be sure and state that on the notes.