Interchange Delivery (ICHD)


Important:   Terminals are NOT like a Railroad when it comes to billing.  At Greensport and Refugio, we do not require billing in the traditional sense for cars to go outbound.  Wood River (WRR1) and Port 10 (POR1) cars will need to be billed by storage outbound.  DO NOT deliver them off until they have been billed to the Class 1.

You will need the following process to do an ICHD:

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1. Log into Watss

2. Locate cars and create a switchlist.

3. Once you have your cars in a switchlist, you will need to move them to the track indicated in the email or to an Outbound track:

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4. After you have moved the car to the track indicated, highlight all of your cars and on the bottom row, third from the right, hit the Consist button:

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5. Fill in the information at the top of the consist.  Everything in blue font is required, with the exception of Rule 15.  Do not use the Rule 15 option. After you have completed the top section, check the Outbound immediately box:

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6. In the next screen, tab over to the location and using the drop down menu, find the track that where you have moved your cars. Next, on the bottom row, in the middle, hit the Outbound button:

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7. After the system has outbound the cars, it will return you to your switchlist.  Hit F5 and the cars you have delivered will no longer be on the switchlist and cars are interchange delivered.  

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To Outbound a Locomotive: Sometimes we will have locomotives/engines online in our system and will need to ICHD them. Create an outbound consist as normal. You can have your locomotive on the regular consist to outbound but you will need to check the outbound engines box on the first page of your consist. 

On the next page, you will then need to make sure that the Outbound Working Engine is checked and you should be able to deliver it off: