Processes you will need:

Important:   Terminals are NOT like a Railroad when it comes to billing.  You do not need to see billing in Watss unless otherwise stated. You will not receive any billing at Refugio (REF1) and Wood River (WRR1) to bring cars online.   Please see Refugio/Wood River ICHR processes for each Terminal.


To do a Manual Inbound (ICHR)

1. Log into Watss (see process steps 1-3).

2. Once in Watss, hit button on the top row all the way to the left:

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3. This will bring up the Inbound screen.  On the bottom row, third from the left, hit the Man. Inbd. Button:

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4. A blank manual inbound screen will appear.  At this point, you need to fill in the top section with the station you are receiving the cars at, which track you are bringing cars online to, the road you are receiving them from and the time and date you received them.  If you are not told the date and time, please use current time.  You can disregard the Train name and Keep as Train functions:

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5. Drop down to the blue section of the inbound and enter your cars, hitting enter after each one.   If we have billing, it should auto populate your billing for you.  You might have to fill in the “Eqmt Status” field as a load or empty.

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If we don’t have billing, you will need to research the car and locate the billing.  At the Terminals, you are allowed to created a manual waybill as long as you have confirmation for who the cars is intended.   (See manual waybill process in Freshdesk, if needed).

6. Once you have the consist built, highlight the cars that you are bringing online (you can pick them individually by hold down control and clicking them with your mouse or highlight the first car, hit shift and highlight the last car by picking with your mouse) and hit the Inbound button on the bottom row, far left:


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Your cars will now show on the track that you have selected.


To Use the AEI Eqmt button on the bottom row, third from the right:

If you have an excel spreadsheet of the cars you are needing to bring online or create one, you can simply highlight the cars and add them to the AEI Eqmt list when you are creating your inbound consist:

Follow the steps listed above 1-4. Once you need to add your cars in the blue section, hit the AEI Eqmt button.  This will open a pop up.  Once it opens, simply copy your cars out of the excel spreadsheet and paste them into the pop up.  On the lower right, hit Copy to IB.  This will add y our cars and pull the billing.  Repeat step 6our cars and pull the billing.  Repeat step 6. 

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Update the billing/RWCs and proceed to bring cars online by repeating step 6.