We have numerous unit trains that move in and out of Greensport, some with different types of billing, etc. This is a cheat sheet to help team members with the different unit trains and the types of billing the require.
1. APF Trains-These trains will come online empty and be loading in Greensport. Once the entire train is loaded, we will be asked to show it loaded in the system in Watss. The cars will need to be in pact status. Please load (not rebill) with the loaded OB RWC. Make sure to check ARMS for billing and release them, if necessary.
APF track-Houston Trk 32.
2. Heidelberg Rock Trains-These trains come online loaded and are quick to move. You will need to unload the cars in Watss and ARMS before they leave. Crews will notify you once they are empty. Please make sure they are empty in both systems.
Heidelberg tracks-Houston 911 & 912 trks.
3. Valero-Valero unit trains are empty cars that come online for Valero with the Valero Unit Train designation. These cars receive special billing for unit trains. Please make sure you follow the Valero process in Freshdesk for loading and billing outbound the trains using the Valero Unit Train RWCs. The trains will usually be built over the course of a few days and HLT will give it a designation as they do with all cars. Please make sure that you check to see if there is a VM switch list already created in Watss to add the cars.
Once the train is loaded, Valero will ask for the train to be billed by our Rail Logistics Team. Rail Logistics will ask Ops to provide the Buffer Cars marks that are to move with the train. These will be billed by Rail Logistics with the unit train. Please make sure to add these cars to the VM switch list.
After the train is billed, the train should show billed in ARMS and we will need to rebill it with the Valero outbound RWC.
Valero tracks- Houston W10, W10V and W8V
Valero Unit Train RWCs-VALERO0504 (diesel) & VALERO0505 (gasoline)-it is important that we use the correct commodity when billing.
4. Chevron-Chevron trains come online loaded with fuel. We also receive buffer cars. Once the train is unloaded, Ops will report it as such. You will need to empty the cars only. PLEASE DO NOT empty the buffers. Call the Class 1 and requesting that the 404 outbound billing be sent to the PTRA for the buffers. They usually have had suspended billing in place for reverse routing. PTRA will NOT pick up the empty train until they have received billing for the buffers.
5. Vestas (Wind) Trains-These trains come in empty and are loaded at the docks. Once the train is loaded, Ops will notify us. We will then need to make sure the cars are in pact and load (not rebill) the train with an OB loaded RWC.
Vestas tracks-Houston W13 Dock, W12 Dock & Houston 200
Vestas OB RWC-VESTAS0503
6. Marathon-This is a new unit train that we have not worked one as of yet but I wanted to explain what my understanding of the process will be. They are not set up in the Watss system as of yet but we should be seeing cars soon.
Marathon will send empty cars to Greensport for storage. They will call out cars to move to a facility on the PTRA to be loaded. PTRA will update the billing on their side. Once they have loaded the cars, they will send them back to Greensport to storage. As soon as they have enough cars loaded in Greensport for a unit train, we will build the train and send it out.
I’m sorry, this is all the information that I have about this move at this time, but I will definitely update you as I get more information.