Daily Refugio Inbound Report for Olin (Customer)


Daily, we receive a report from one of our customers, Olin into Freshdesk/CS4:


When this report comes into Freshdesk, we will need to check for correct waybills and if there is none, we will need to create one for the car.  You will need to use the process “Creating Manual Waybills” in the General Processes in Freshdesk:

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Due to the commodities that Refugio receives, it’s important that we have the correct RWC on the cars when they come online.

When we receive the report, you will need to log into REF1 in Watss (see process in Freshdesk, steps 1-3).





Once logged in, hit the Waybill button on the top row:

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This will open your white WB queue.  Once in your queue, enter your car number in the field provided on the top row and hit enter.  If there is a waybill created for the car already, it will pull up in your queue.   Double check your commodity and l/e status against the report sent in and the rwc that has been used to create the waybill.  You will need to do this for all of the cars on the report with the exception of the ones that show “on hand”.

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If you do not have a waybill in the queue:

You will need to use your process in Freshdesk “To create a manual waybill through the white waybill queue.” Steps 1-5, using the following chart as your RWC guide.  The more frequently used RWCs have what commodity abbreviation that is used in the report.  Please make sure once you have created the waybill to go back into the white waybill queue and double check the following items: car number, l/e status and commodity.  It’s extremely important that these waybills are correct.

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If you cannot find the commodity in Watss that the report is showing, please contact Refugio Customer Service at refugiocs@watco.com and leave the the ticket in Freshdesk as a follow up for further research with notes.


Once the report is complete, please file under REF1 and reports/notifications in Freshdes