Creating manual waybills

There’s a couple of different ways to manually create a waybill.  CS4 typically uses the following two and both requires an RWC to create the waybill.

To create a manual waybill through the white waybill queue.

1. Log into Watss (see process in Freshdesk, steps 1-3):

2. Once in Watss, hit button on the top row, fifth from the right.  You will need to know the RWC you are going to use.

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3. On the bottom row, third from the left, hit the Add button:

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4. Enter your information into the pop up, using the drop down in the RWC section to find your RWC. Click on the RWC that you need.  Note: once you hit the drop down arrow, you can start typing the RWC you are looking for and the system will filter for you.  

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Once all the fields have been filled in, hit OK:

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5. This will open a waybill that you have created.  At this point, you can add any pertinent information, if needed.  The waybill is completely open to edit.  Once you have finished, hit save on the bottom row and close your waybill.  You now have a waybill for your car.

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To Create a Waybill from the Inbound Consist Screen:

1. The other way that we create a waybill is during the manual inbound process (see process).  Start a new manual inbound.  Add your car into the equipment section, with your load/empty status.

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2. Tab over to your RWC field and right click on your mouse.  This will open up the RWC master.  Using your filters at the top of the master, fill in the information that you have and in the RWC section, start to type the RWC you are looking for.  The system will filter.  Once you have found the RWC, click on the RWC and hit the Select button on the bottom row, second from the right:

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3. You will return to your inbound.  Once there, highlight your car and hit the waybill button on the bottom row, second from the left:

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This will open a pop out.   Hit the Create New Waybill button.

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A waybill that you can edit with any information that you need to and hit save once it is complete.  You now have created a waybill for the car.