AWRR BOL Process
Leo and the AWRRBilling Team have graciously put together Teams group for all TEXMAT/HEATEX BOLs. This will hopefully alleviate all of the emails bouncing back and forth and give us all a place to enter and look for the information we need. From now on, please follow the below instructions when checking AWRR BOLs:
- When BOL is received, enter the information into the spreadsheet (BOL #, Lead car, Total # of cars, and BOL date). If the biling hasn’t applied yet, leave the info as is until the billing applies.
- After the billing has applied, go in and add the RLO Created On date (this should be the same as the BOL Date as long as EDI processes correctly). You will also need to add the Block To after the cars are billed.
- Once you’ve done that, please forward the BOL to CSRequest like you normally would. This way we can double check it and add notes, if need be. We will then fill in the “double checked” column and Leo is free to invoice.
- CSR/Brenda: we will need to add the BOL files into the 2023 BOLs document after they’ve been double-checked and are completed.**
NOTE: if anything needs corrected or isn’t applying like it should, we will need add that information into the spreadsheet, as well as, who from the team has made the corrections.
If you all have any questions on this process, please don’t hesitate to reach out to CSRequest or AWRRBilling/Leo. We are all working together on this and hope that once everyone is used to it, it will make the AWRR run more smoothly.