Operations will send their Ayer Turn in to CS3@watco.com with the paperwork attached.
They will also call to confirm that this has been received. When they call, open the attachment, and confirm we received all pages. For example, we show this one had a total of four pages to be completed.
Use this time to ask any questions you may have as GRNW operations don’t get the best phone signal; it may be hard to reach them again.
You’ll also see that this will be divided up into multiple switch lists. To make this easier later, it will be best to combine these switchlists into one. This can be done by adding the smaller switchlists into the largest.
Open the largest (main) switch by locating the Job ID in Watss
Open the switch, and go to add/remove
From here you can click Locate, and type in the remaining cars from the smaller switchlists
Click OK, and “Add Eqmt”
You can now work this paperwork from one switchlist in Watss. This will show to be most helpful at the end of the process.
Outbound Cars
The outbound paperwork will consist of cars going to UP, BNSF and wheel/PAC moves that were done by operations. We’ll start with the outbounds first to clear up the page.
First, look over your outbound list for any cars that might show as NOBILLS.
Cars that have not been released cannot be delivered off, so the customer will need to be contacted to either submit loaded billing or submit/authorize an empty release.
While we wait for releases on the NOBILLS, deliver off what is blocked to the Class 1 and leave the ticket as FOLLOW UP until they can be delivered. This will make sure we don’t miss interchanging any cars.
Locate all cars showing blocked to UP, then go to Consist.
Enter all of your information for the ICH move
To Station: Ayer
To Road: UP
Current date/time
Always check Outbound Immediately AND Transmit EDI Immediately when delivering
Click OK and take a moment to make sure you enter the next track correctly. For operational purposes, the UP/BNSF tracks will be backwards in our system compared to how they physically move cars on the ground. We will always select whatever operations write out, despite the name.
All UP cars will go out on Track 02 in Ayer, which is named “BNSF OUTBOUND TRACK”.
Select track 02 to send your UP cars out on.
Now that those are gone, we will deliver the BNSF cars. Select all cars blocked BNSF and click consist like before.
The only difference now is that we will select track 03 showing as "UP INBOUND TRACK" for our BNSF cars to leave on. Select this, and click OUTBOUND to send your cars off.
Now that all the outbounds are handled, we can move onto any placements or wheel moves that might’ve been listed.
PAC/PCON/RYD moves will be written to the far right, and they will also write out what track cars were moved to.
Sometimes, the track written out will not match the name we have showing in Watss. This can also be identified by looking at the customer blocking.
For example, you see this one is blocked to WILELL but crews wrote to PAC to “Wil North”
The WILELL track will be the one you enter the PAC move to
Continue until all cars have been updated to reflect crew paperwork.
ICH Notifications
The last step of this is to send out ICH notifications to the UP and BNSF with a list of cars we have set out for them. This is where combining the switchlists makes things easier for us.
Go to Inbound then select "Intchg Hist" right underneath
Fill out your current date, and you can select ‘Out’ for the train type to narrow it down even more.
This should pull one list of cars we sent to BNSF, and one list we sent to UP. Click into each of these and email them to yourself.
Open a new email, and send each list to their designated Class 1’s. Contacts for each road are provided below.
UP cars go to the below contacts with a subject line of "GRNW - Ayer Turn (date of interchange) UP”
BNSF cars go to the below contacts with a subject line of "GRNW - Ayer Turn (date of interchange) BNSF”