We will get requests to have cars sent to the BNSF for turning so our customer can unload. The KAW does not have a WYE so if a car can only be unloaded from one side and its facing the wrong way, then we return it to BNSF to turn it for us. They will bring it back once the car is turned around.
Look the car up in Watss - it's likely going to be in a PAC status.
If the car shows to be in bad order, then it's likely it needs to be unloaded before repairs can be done. We'll release from bad order for it to deliver to BNSF, but will need to put it back in bad order status once it returns.
Enter an RLO move to release the car from PAC where it sits and put 'TURN CAR' in the Switch Instructions box
We will leave the car blocked to the customer and notify BNSF via email that the car will be coming to them for turning.
Send an email like the below to the following contacts: