Into Hold  


AERCOR will load cars on the LAS, to be held until the load is sold. Edna Guest will be your main contact on these cars. These cars are always hazardous, so it is important that the proper billing is applied. 



The customer will use eBOL to bill their cars to HOLD in the Minden yard. The loaded billing will typically auto-apply. You will then need to place the car in PCON, so we are collecting revenue for holding the car.  

Reply and let the customer know that Hold billing has been applied.  


Out of Hold 


When the car is ready to leave the yard with the KCS, Edna will email us.  



Rebill the car will the loaded billing to the KCS (do not PAC); then RCP the car out of PCO. Email Edna that billing to the KCS has been applied.