Once the billing has applied, select one car and open the waybill.
Then click “Secondary.”
Click “Waybill Equipment” and the below window should pop up.
Double check the BOL. The number of cars in “Active” Should be the same number in the BOL. It is also best to compare the Bill of Lading # with the one listed on the waybill in Watss. If these match up, then it confirms the correct bill is applied.
If there are any cars in the “Pending” section, they have missed at least part of one cycle.
You will need to pull all “Pending” cars up in a switch list
PMRX 5322 is showing empty. For loading billing to apply, this car will need to be PAC. You can take the history of a correct car, and just mimic that. Then “Load /Empty – Bill Choice” to apply the billing.
These BOLs will always need sent to CS Request, after they are finished.
Reply All, cc CS Request, attach the BOL and put
“Billing applied to ____ cars” in the email