This report runs every morning at 06:00
When this report comes in, you need to go to the Autauga Creek CSXT OB track. All cars in this track need to be delivered to the CSXT.
If any cars are not released, you can bill them appropriately. Do a Railinc trace to verify the cars are on CSXT and what their L/E status is.
You can verify they went out with by searching for the most recent MY WORK ORDER from International Paper. This provides L/E status and commodity for all cars being pulled outbound.
If MY WORK ORDER hasn't been received, follow the below steps to generically release cars:
If cars are tracing LOADED, you will either manually load them with an outbound RWC (INTPACSXT) or you will manually enter an RLO move, this is all depending the L/E status they're in online.
If cars are tracing EMPTY, you will either manually release them empty or enter an RMT move, depending on the L/E status they're in online.
When delivering cars off, deliver to the CSXT and DO NOT send EDI.