Nucor has an agreement to have their loaded cars held, on the ABS, without billing. When cars are pulled from their facility, email the Nucor No-Bills email group and ask what the billing date for the car is. They will come back with one of three answers.  

 Need ID 

When Nucor says they need an ID from a car, it means they need ABS Crews to get the load ID number from the load on their car. 

You need to add instructions into WATTS that says “NEED ID” so that crews know to get the ID number.



When Nucor sends in the ID number or the billing was “posted on” a certain date, that means the billing has been submitted to the Class One. We need to check for billing in the system and the EDI Viewer. If we do not have it, Nucor needs to be instructed that we don’t and that they need to reach out to the Class One

  1. Will Release  

When Nucor sends in this, it means they are going to have this car held.  


 You need to add instructions into WATTS that says “HOLD” and the date Nucor provided, so that crews know to hold this car. You then need to forward this email to ABS Billing, so that they know to apply the tariff to the car.