Danny Mills or Frank Mitchell will be your main contact on these cars.
Hunt Refinery and Warrior Asphalt receive tanker cars full of hazardous materials. When there is a mechanical issue with one of these cars, it will be unloaded and then need to be Home Shopped.
Danny takes care of the OTMA and Home Shop billing. We are responsible for ensuring Operations holds these cars in the yard, until the car is ready to leave.
Once Danny or Frank has sent in a request for a car to be held, the reverse-route blocking needs to be updated from the Class One, to the customer.
This needs to be kept in the server, until the car has been released empty. Once the car has been released, it needs to be put into HMI status. For Hold Reason, select “HMI Inspection – Mechanical” and in the Reason Eqmt Comments put “Per” whomever sent in the request and the placard info provided.
After you have put the car into HMI, please put “HOLD” into the switch instructions of the car.
Once the car is in HMI, respond to the original email that the car is being held.
When the car is ready to leave, Danny or Frank will submit empty billing. The car can be rebilled like normal, and then put into HMR.