The ABS serves as a bridge move between the KCS and the CSXT; as well as the KCS and the NS. For haulage cars, you will only receive 418s. Haulage cars will never place, be loaded or unloaded on the ABS. We collect the cars at one interchange point and directly move them to the next interchange point.
A lot of haulage waybills will not have the ABS listed in the route. We do not need to be added, as long as the ABS completes the move, we will be able to invoice for it. Below are examples of haulage waybills that did not include the ABS. In situations like this, if you are not sure where the car needs to go, email the delivery carrier and verify what the destination is.
The CAGY is served by the KCS, any car that arrives from the CSXT and is destined for the CAGY, is a CSXT-KCS haulage car.
The ABS is not listed, however, the destination listed is a Class One we do interchange with.