Dixie Paper has two separate facilities on the ABS. Their cars will have different blockings, to help with inventory control and for Operations. The addresses will be used to determine which RWC to apply.  

DIXPAP NOR has an address of 1330 Commerce St

 DIXPAP2 TUS has an address of 1501 Industrial Park Dr 



Dixie/ IWS Diversions 

Dixie Paper, Dixie Paper 2 and Tuscaloosa Warehouse (IWS) will divert cars from one facility to another.  

When diverting the cars, they should not be online the ABS yet. If the cars are online and placed, there will be a charge for the diversion. If the cars are not are yet online, there is not charge to divert them. 

The main contacts for diversions will be Kim Lacy and Julie Anderson at Dixie


When these requests come in, go to the pended waybill and update the RWC, for the new destination.  

  Once the pended waybill has been updated, the car needs to be added to an equipment specific rule. Confirm to Julie or Kim that the car has been diverted, and then either leave the item in the server highlighted, or forward the email to CSREQ. They will add the car to a 418 rule 

The Class One will transmit a 418 to the ABS when the car if offered. If this step is skipped that 418 will remove the change in the RWC and cause the car to switch back to the original RWC