We move a lot of ballast rock, limestone and sand cars on the SKOL and SLWC so we'll receive BOL's on all cars that get loaded out with this material. When a BOL comes through we must confirm that all cars have been billed and that there are no incorrect car numbers or pending cars left on the waybill.

Start by opening up the attachment on the email we receive like below.

The BOL will show the total car count with the trace car listed at the top and remaining cars listed towards the bottom half.

Type all cars into a switchlist and confirm they are all showing empty and PAC to the customer's facility. Cars should already be showing PAC, but if not - double check to make sure nothing looks out of place.

Anything out of place might be an individual car not showing PAC or in a different status located in a different station/track. Occasionally we do get BOL's with car numbers billed incorrectly. If something doesn't look right we can reach out to the customer to confirm any car numbers or L/E status's.

If all cars are showing to be placed as empties, then we will wait for loaded billing to process. Once all cars show RLO, we can confirm there's no pending cars remaining by opening one of the waybills.

On the waybill screen, click Secondary.

Then select "Waybill Eqmt"

When the equipment screen pulls up, select "Pending" and confirm there are zero cars left.

If there are cars remaining, go back to your switchlist and double check that all cars have been PAC and see if there might've been a car mistyped during the billing process. If a wrong car number was billed, we can correct the BOL to show the right car number. This process is explained in the "Correcting BOL's" process in Knowledge Base.

When no cars are remaining, we are good to forward the BOL to CS Request confirming "x" amount of cars are confirmed billed. They will double check this on their side to make sure this process was followed correctly.