Cindy Bowerman sends in her load sheet nightly consisting of cars she is ready to have pulled from her facility.
All cars listed on the left side can be typed into a switchlist in Watss. Sometimes we will run across car numbers that were wrote down incorrectly. If there is a car not showing up, reply to Cindy and ask her to confirm what the car number should be.
Now that all cars are in a switchlist, confirm that all cars are showing released loaded according to the weights and destinations provided on this sheet. Be sure to include the exact count of cars when confirming billing.
Also be sure to watch for bad order cars on this sheet. Bad ordered cars will not get loaded, but instead will be pulled from her facility still empty. The car will be listed as a "reject" under the destination column and bad order reason put off to the right side. When we see this, we will not reject the car. Instead we will put the car in bad order for the reason specified and release the car from PAC by entering an RMT where it sits.
This will ensure the car does not trigger as a no bill once pulled from Cyril.